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  1. Step 1:
    Fill  in the order form below and click "submit form".  We'll send the confirmation to verify your order, total payment and provided our bank accounts number via email OR sms within 24 hours.

    填写以下订购表格,然后点击“submit form” 。我们将在24小时以内通过电邮或sms向您确认定购的商品、总额和提供我们的银行户口号码。

    Order Form


    Email Address:

    Contact No.:

    Mailing Address:

    Item Code & Color:

    Delivery Method:

    Payment Method:

    This online form was provided by Freedback.

     Step 2:
    If have no any wrong information, please make full payment within 3 days.
    Otherwise your order will be cancelled.


    Step 3:
    Please send us notification after payment done.
    You can email to OR sms at 012-3832367 / 012-2753351

    汇款后请尽快通知我们。您可以通过电邮 或 sms 至 012-3832367/ 0122753351。